Edmundo Cordeiro published the books "Actos de Cinema" (Acts of Cinema) and "Pedro Costa e Pierre Perrault", was script-doctor of the fiction film O Capacete Dourad" (The Golden Helmet, 2007), and screenwriter of Na Escola (At School, 2010), O Rebocador (The Tow Truck Driver, 2014), and Amor Amor (Love Love, 2016), all directed by Jorge Cramez. He is currently Professor of film theory and aesthetics at the Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon. In 1983, he won the Socialist Youth National Prize for Poetry. He directed Uma Que Só Vem Quando Que (One That Only Comes When She Wants) and works on the documentaries Tentação, Cabeça e Coração (Temptation, Head and Heart) e Rebuçados Venezianos (Venetian Candy).
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