Doll Chao is a Taiwanese American Filmmaker based in Brooklyn since 2012. Through her experimental diary film – a collage of montage using all kinds of materials including 35mm stills, 16mm, super 8, digital cameras, she and her own avatars self-analyze their lives as an Asian immigrant, stranger, a foreigner and an unfamiliar friend. With a stream of consciousness style of editing, her mind responds to family issues, dreams, emotions, political and religious thoughts. Her past films have been screened in festivals in Taiwan, UK, France, Belgium, Korea, China, Macau, Japan and USA, her 2018 film won the best experimental film in 40th Golden Harvest Film Fest. Her avatar, Space Meow Doll, occasionally plays music in NYC. is powered by Doc Alliance, a creative partnership of 7 key European documentary film festivals. Our aim is to advance the documentary genre, support its diversity and promote quality creative documentary films.