Kleber MENDONÇA FILHO (1968, Brazil) is a film journalist (for CinemaScópio) and a prolific filmmaker. In his work, he focuses on love and fear. At IFFR 2007, five of his short films were presented in a 'Short Profile'. Neighbouring Sounds (2012) was his long-awaited first feature.
Filmography (selection)
Enjaulado/Caged In (1997, short),
A menina do algodao/The Little Cotton Girl (2003, short)
Vinil verde/Green Vinyl (2004, short)
Eletrodoméstica (2005, short)
Noite de sexta manhã de sábado/Friday Night Saturday Morning (2006, short)
Critico (2008, doc)
Luz Industrial Magica (2009, short)
Recife Frio/Cold Tropics (2010, short)
O som ao redor/Neighbouring Sounds (2012)
A Copa do Mundo no Recife/The World Cup in Recife (2015, short)
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