In 1969 my father Jiro Koretzky decides to leave Tokyo and travel around the world. He recently discovered a metal box full of photographic negatives, travel diaries and drawings from that youth trip. They revealed landscapes from mountains to seas, from villages and cities, to inhabitants and other travellers. How did the world look like through his eyes? Which stories does he still remember?
PT: Em 1969, o meu pai Jiro Koretzky decidiu deixar Tóquio e viajar pelo mundo. Recentemente, ele descobriu uma caixa de metal cheia de negativos fotográficos, diários de viagem e desenhos daquela viagem juvenil. Eles revelaram desde paisagens de montanhas a mares, vilas e cidades, a habitantes e outros viajantes. Como o mundo parecia através dos seus olhos? Quais as histórias que ele ainda se lembra? is powered by Doc Alliance, a creative partnership of 7 key European documentary film festivals. Our aim is to advance the documentary genre, support its diversity and promote quality creative documentary films.