SHORT JOY // A grandmother, a mother, daughters. Despite living in one house, they exchanged letters. The first one was written in 1994, the last one 15 years later. In these letters, the women share their deepest feelings and insecurities. This autobiographical essay also takes the form of a letter. Its author revives the lively letter exchange through videos recorded on her mobile phone and her own animations. It is not only a dialogue of the women in the family, but also of the past and the present, of people and their images.
„It all started as a game. I would select videos that I recorded with my phone; I would print them and paint silhouettes over the real image of my grandmother, my mother, or my sisters. It was motivating to explore the contrast between those two images.“ Estefanía Clotti is powered by Doc Alliance, a creative partnership of 7 key European documentary film festivals. Our aim is to advance the documentary genre, support its diversity and promote quality creative documentary films.