Scene from the film Climate Diary
Scene from the film Climate Diary
Scene from the film Climate Diary
Scene from the film Climate Diary
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Climate Diary

  • Greece
Audio Tracks 

In Climate Diary, a fixed-camera chronicle captures the subtleties of climate shifts, paralleling the lockdown experience. The film challenges viewer norms by favoring evocative soundscapes over constant action. This deliberate departure immerses audiences in a contemplative space, where the synergy of image and sound propels the narrative. As the documentary unfolds, the fusion of voice and music at the conclusion provides an abstract resonance that lingers, inviting viewers to explore time's intricate dance and discover beauty in the tranquility.


  • Original title
    Ημερολόγιο κλίματος
  • Direction
  • Screenplay
    Alekos Alexiadis
  • DOP
    Alekos Alexiadis
  • Editing
    Alekos Alexiadis
  • Music
    Alekos Alexiadis
  • Sound
    Fotis Tsakos
  • Duration
    16 min (16-30 min.)
  • Year
  • Country
    • Greece
  • Colour
    • Colour is powered by Doc Alliance, a creative partnership of 7 key European documentary film festivals. Our aim is to advance the documentary genre, support its diversity and promote quality creative documentary films.

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