“I hear a lot about Yves Edouard. A farmer and cereal grower, producer of endives, everybody describes him as unique: quick-tempered, eccentric, chaotic; a character straight out of a novel. I tell myself: I have to meet him. One morning, I go to his farm, he hires me to weed the endives in the fields: pulling out weeds on a field by the ocean, that is really beautiful. I plan to film this work: impossible. Then I meet Catherine Pernot, a friend of my friend Sophie Roger. I am enchanted by her way of talking about things, even the most trivial ones. I tell her about work on the endive farm so that she can turn it into her own story. I record her, I rework her words to create a text that she subsequently has to learn and act out in front of the camera. Then, I film an interview between Yves and myself – Yves, what is violence to you? There are thus two shots in this film: Catherine, then Yves. As if they had gotten into the skin of their characters, she narrates and he answers questions.” (Pierre Creton)
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