Scene from the film Queen of Diamonds
Scene from the film Queen of Diamonds
Scene from the film Queen of Diamonds
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Queen of Diamonds

  • United States
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Queen of Diamonds follows the life of Firdaus, a Blackjack dealer in a Las Vegas landscape juxtaposed between glittering casino lights and the surrounding barren desert landscapes. Negotiating a missing husband and neighboring domestic violence, Firdaus’ world unfolds as a fragmented but hypnotic interplay between repetition and repressed anger.


  • Original title
    Queen of Diamonds
  • Direction
  • Screenplay
    Nina Menkes
  • Cast
    Tinka Menkes, Emmellda Beech
  • DOP
    Nina Menkes
  • Editing
    Nina Menkes, Tinka Menkes
  • Duration
    76 min (46-90 min.)
  • Year
  • Country
    • United States
  • Colour
    • Colour is powered by Doc Alliance, a creative partnership of 7 key European documentary film festivals. Our aim is to advance the documentary genre, support its diversity and promote quality creative documentary films.

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