Konstantinos-Antonios Goutos aka the[video]Flâneu® was born in 1973 in Larissa, Greece. He studied music in his hometown, film directing in Athens, media art/video art in Leipzig and conceptual art in Prague. Goutos invented the term „the[video]Flâneu®“ in 2005. Since 2002 many of his [video]works have been shown in numerous renowned film /media / art events, festivals, museum and gallery shows in more than 100 cities of europe, america and asia...he has been [video]strolling (in) more than 70 cities. At this moment he [video]strolls (in) different cities of germany. Since 2010 he also creates under the persona the artwertease®, and since 2020 under the personas the kon/spira[l]to®, the c(h)oronographe®, the demaskirre®, the maskographe®, the peripat(h)et(h)ike®...
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